Version 6.2

Note: Version 6.2 was a fairly major update, and thus was not made available as a free download. If you would like to update to the most recent version of RATS, contact Estima or see RATS Updates.

If you would like to receive updates on CD automatically, consider purchasing a Update Subscription.

Version 6.10

Users with WinRATS 6.0x or WinRATS Pro 6.0x can download a free update to Version 6.1 (downloadable updates are not available for the Macintosh, UNIX, or Linux versions).

Please note that the download only includes the update to the executable file itself—it does not include updated Help files, the Manual Addendum PDF file, or the new procedures and example programs that were included on the RATS 6.10 CD.

You will need to have your RATS serial number in order to download the patch file.

If you entered your serial number when you installed RATS, or entered it later via the File-Preferences dialog box in RATS, you can view your serial number by doing Help-About RATS from within RATS. Otherwise, you will find your serial number printed on a label affixed to the envelope containing your RATS 6 CD.

Please refer to the appropriate section below to download your update:

From Version 6.02b

To update to Version 6.10, you must already have Version 6.02b.

If you do have 6.02b, please click on the following link to access the patch files for Version 6.10:

Verify Serial Number and Download 6.10 Patch File

If you do not have 6.02b, see the following paragraph.

From Version 6.0, 6.01, or 6.02

If you have 6.0, 6.01, or 6.02 you need to update to 6.02b before you can apply the 6.10 patch. Use the links below to access the appropriate patch file. Once you have updated to 6.02b, return to this page and use the link above to update to 6.10.

Still Using Version 5?

Patch updates from Version 5.10 to 5.11, and from Version 5.0-5.03 to Version 5.04, are still available for downloading from our website—see Version 5 Patches for details.

However, we would also invite you to consider upgrading to Version 6--we believe you'll find the wealth of new features, improved interface, and extended documentation to be well worth the expense. Please contact us if you have any questions about updating.