
RATS Version 8.3

We are now shipping version 8.3. Version 8.3 adds several enhancements to 8.2, including:

  • a new editor environment, with improved undo/redo, "bracket matching" highlights, text position marking, search and replace using "regular expressions"
  • multi-threaded execution, with the editor interface handled by one thread and the statistical "engine" in another, for better performance and a more responsive interface.
  • a Find in Files menu operation which searches across our many example programs for particular text, allowing you to locate running programs that use a particular instruction or option.
  • many new and revised examples and procedures

See the October 2013 RATSletter for more details.

RATS Version 8.2

RATS 8.2 added some important new features, among them:

  • expanding graphing capabilities including the ability to specify an exact graph size, an easier way to graph arrays of series, and a new instruction for automatically saving graphs
  • new options on SUMMARIZE that make it easier to examine non-linear functions of estimated parameters, including non-linear estimation parameters, and to use numerical rather than analytical derivatives to deal with functions for which RATS has no analytical derivatives
  • a new option on FIND for doing grid searches, which is particularly useful for threshold models
  • support for some additional multivariate GARCH models, as well as more flexible handling of asymmetric effects
  • a new "Cointegration Tests" wizard
  • two new variable types for more flexible handling of vectors
  • dozens of new procedures and example programs

See the September 2012 RATSletter for more details.

RATS Version 8.1

Version 8.1 added several new panel data features, two useful new interface features, several new functions, and improvements to a dozen other instructions. It also ships with several new sets of textbook example programs, replication code for fifteen significant econometrics papers, and many new procedures.

See the September 2011 RATSletter for details on 8.1.

Version 8.0

RATS Version 8 was a major update featuring a new look, new manuals, improved data handling, more powerful tools for organizing results, and much more. Below are some of the highlights of this release. Please see the December 2010 RATSletter for more details, including a list of the many new procedures and examples that shipped with 8.0.

Revised Manuals

  • Completely revised manuals, including a new 180-page Introduction to RATS
  • Updated Reference Manual
  • Expanded User's Guide with more coverage of state space and DSGE models, switching models and structural breaks, Vector Autoregressions, and Simulations and Bootstrapping.
  • Much more extensive cross-referencing.

Interface Improvements

  • New View menu operations provide quick access to information on data series.
  • Redesigned and expanded toolbar icons
  • Many point-and-click Wizards have new features and are easier to use
  • More control over default arrangement of Input and Output windows.

Data Management

Making it as easy as possible to get data into the program was a major focus in developing RATS 8. Enhancements include:

  • Support for more data formats, including Stata®, EViews® and MATLAB® (support for Excel® 2007 was added with 7.3).
  • More flexibility for reading spreadsheet files.
  • Data Wizard: Can now read in subsets of data or compact/expand data to different frequency (previously required typing in instructions directly).
  • Can read series into memory from a RATS file by simply dragging-and-dropping them onto the Series Window
  • Can copy and paste data series data into Series Edit Windows (handy for copying data from web sites or PDF files)
  • READ and WRITE support many more formats, including XLS, XLSX, WKS, and MATLAB®.

Improved Reports

Another design goal was to extend the Reports features in RATS to make it even easier for you to translate your results quickly and accurately into publications or other applications.

  • Almost all output generated by RATS instructions, such as tables of regression coefficients, can now be reloaded in a report window via the Report Windows menu operation.
  • Reports can now be reformatted on screen (changing the displayed precision), and then exported or copy-and-pasted in a number of formats.
  • TeX Support: Reports can now be exported as a TeX tabular or copied to the clipboard in TeX format for pasting in a TeX editor. User-defined reports can be formatted to include TeX mathematical expressions.
  • Most procedures supplied with RATS now save output as "titled" reports, which can be easily recalled for viewing, exporting, or copying and pasting using the Report Windows operation.

Programming Features

  • You can define much more complex nested variable structures, such as "arrays of arrays of arrays" or "arrays of series of arrays".
  • The %IF function accepts a much wider variety of argument types.

Other New Features

  • More than thirty functions have been added since version 7.0.
  • New DUMMY instruction for generating standard dummy, trading day, and intervention variables.
  • VARIANCES=SPILLOVER option on GARCH for the univariate variance model in a CC or DCC model.
  • BACKGROUND option on GRPARM for setting the background color of a graph box
  • RGF option on SPGRAPH allows you to insert an existing graph file into a matrix of graphs.
  • Graph windows are now titled using either their header or footer (if available), making it easier to locate a particular window.

Using an Older Release?

If you are still using a release of RATS older than 8.0, see RATS Revisions for information on changes introduced earlier.