Keep Up to Date Automatically
We are pleased to offer RATS users an "Update Subscription" program (formerly known as our "maintenance contract" program), which allows you to receive
updates to RATS automatically as soon as they are released.
The Update Subscription program offer several advantages:
- Convenience: Ensures that you will automatically receive each and every update, shipped directly to you on CD-ROM.
- Budgeting: Allows you to purchase multiple updates with a single expenditure. This can be particularly helpful for large organizations, where the budgeting and purchase approval process is more complex and often time-consuming.
- Cost: The subscription will save money as compared to purchasing all the incremental updates individually.
- Timeliness: You will be among the first to receive the new version, as update subscription updates are shipped out before regular update orders.
Note that RATS users will still have the option to purchase individual updates as they are released (and we will continue to post some minor updates on
our website for downloading at no charge). However, we know that many of you prefer the convenience and expedience of only having to place a single order
and make a single payment to ensure that you are kept up to date.
Two Types of Subscription Plans
In response to requests from many of our customers, we are now offering two types of update subscriptions.
- Version Update Subscription: For single-user licenses, you can purchase a subscription that will provide all updates through and
including the next major upgrade (currently, through Version 9). This is the same sort of program we've offered in the past.
- Annual Update Subscription:For institutions with multi-user licenses, or a large collection of single-user licenses, we offer an
annual subscription. This will provide all updates released for one calendar year from the date the subscription goes into
Single-User Licenses (Version Subscription)
For users with a single-user license for Version 8, prices for an update subscription providing all updates through and including Version 9 are shown
below. If you have an older version, you will need to purchase an update to version 8 in addition to the Update Subscription.
- $150 for WinRATS Standard or MacRATS Standard
- $150 for WinRATS Professional or MacRATS Professional
- $200 for UNIX RATS
Note: Additional shipping charges may apply for customers outside the U.S. if you choose to get new printed manuals with the next
Multi-User Licenses (Annual Subscription)
The pricing for annual subscriptions for larger installations depends on the number of users,
so please contact us ( or
your local reseller.