Patch Update: Version 6.02b

This page provides links to free, downloadable patch utilities you can use to update from Version 6.0 or 6.01 of WinRATS or WinRATS Professional to Version 6.02b.

Downloading the Appropriate Patch File

To update your software, you first need to download the patch file appropriate for your version of RATS. We recommend that you download the file into a temporary directory, such as C:\TEMP. If you aren't sure which version you are currently running, start your copy of RATS, and use the About RATS operation on the Help menu to check the version number.

The available patch files are listed at the bottom of this web page.

Applying the Update Patch

Once you have downloaded the patch file, do the following to apply the update:

  1. Run the Patch program by double-clicking on the executable file with Windows Explorer, or by using the "Run" operation on the "Start" menu.

  2. This loads a Windows-based installer program. You simply need to tell it where your current version of WinRATS is located, and then it will automatically update the files as needed. By default, RATS is installed in "C:\Program Files\Estima\WinRATS 6.0\", but you may have chosen to install it in a different directory.

Troubleshooting and Support

There are essentially two types of errors you can encounter:

  • "Wrong Folder Selected!" indicates that the expected file(s) were not found in the directory you specified the "Choose Destination Location" dialog box. You are either pointing the updater to the wrong directory, or you downloaded the patch file for the wrong product—for example, you can get this error if you try to use the "WinRATS Pro" updater to update the standard version of WinRATS. To resolve this, either be sure to point the updater at the correct directory, or download the appropriate updater for your product.
  • "Main File Data Integrity (CRC) Error" This usually indicates that you are using the wrong version of the patch file. For example, you will get this error if you try to update from Version 6.01 using the updater for Version 6.00. Download the correct patch file and try again.

We can only provide a minimal degree of support regarding the use of the patch file updates. If you have questions, you can address them to us at

Links to the Version 6.02b Patch Files:

Download the appropriate file for your product/version:

Note: If you already have Version 6.02, see the Version 6.02b patch page to update to 6.02b.


If you have WinRATS 6.0, download WinRATS_600_602b.exe

If you have WinRATS 6.01, you have one of two possible executable files. One is dated August 24, 2004, the other is dated August 26, 2004. If you updated from 6.0 to 6.01 via a downloadable patch file, you should have the 08/24/2004 version. If you received 6.01 on a CD, you should have the 08/26/2004 version. We recommend that you use Windows Explorer to check the date on your RATS32S.EXE file before downloading the appropriate patch file:

  1. Version 6.01, August 24, 2004 Version, download: WinRATS_601_602b_824.exe

  2. Version 6.01, August 26, 2004 Version, download: WinRATS_601_602b_826.exe

WinRATS Professional

If you have WinRATS Professional 6.0, download WinRATS_Pro_600_602b.exe

If you have WinRATS Professional 6.01, you have one of two possible executable files. One is dated August 24, 2004, the other is dated August 26, 2004. If you updated from 6.0 to 6.01 via a downloadable patch file, you should have the 08/24/2004 version. If you received 6.01 on a CD, you should have the 08/26/2004 version. We recommend that you use Windows Explorer to check the date on your RATS32SX.EXE file before downloading the appropriate patch file:

  1. Version 6.01, August 24, 2004 Version, download: WinRATS_Pro_601_602b_824.exe

  2. Version 6.01, August 26, 2004 Version, download: WinRATS_Pro_601_602b_826.exe