We occasionally post patch files that allow licensed RATS users to download minor updates to their RATS software at no charge. See RATS: Latest Release for details on the current release, RATS Updates for information about updating your RATS software or RATS Information and Features for general information on RATS.

See below for a list of the updates that are available as free downloads, and for instructions on downloading and installing the updates. Note that we haven't done any of these since version 7.1 (from 2008), as we are now able to provide downloadable installers for the software and so have an easier time doing software updates.

Version 7.1

Users with Version 7.0 of WinRATS or WinRATS Pro can download a free patch file update to Version 7.1. For details on the changes that were introduced in version 7.1, see RATS Revision History.

You will need your RATS serial number in order to download the patch file. You can check the serial number by doing Help-About RATS. If you don't see the serial number there, you should find it printed on the label on your RATS CD envelope. Note that the patch file only updates the executable file—it does not provide updated PDF documentation files or new and revised examples and procedures. Those files were only included in the RATS 7.1 CDs.

When you are ready to proceed, click on RATS 7.1 Patch File Download.

Version 7.0

Version 7.0 was a major upgrade, including full revised documentation and dozens of new features. It is not available as a free update from Version 6.

Version 6.35

Version 6.35 was a fairly significant upgrade, and thus free patch files were not available.

Version 6.3

Users with Version 6.2 of WinRATS and WinRATS Pro can download a free patch file update to Version 6.3.

You will need your RATS serial number in order to download the patch file. You can check the serial number by doing Help-About RATS. If you don't see the serial number there, you should find it printed on the label on your RATS CD envelope.

When you are ready to proceed, click on RATS 6.3 Patch File Download.

Older Version 6 Patch Files

Users with WinRATS 6.0x or WinRATS Pro 6.0x can download a free update to Version 6.1. See Version 6.10 Patch Files.

Still Using Version 5?

Patch updates from Version 5.10 to 5.11, and from Version 5.0-5.03 to Version 5.04, are still available for downloading from our website—see Version 5 Patches for details.