RATS is available for most UNIX-based workstations, including Sun, HP, and IBM systems. We also support Intel-based PC's running Linux. (It is also possible to compile and run our UNIX version on Macintosh OS X systems, but most Mac users will prefer to use MacRATS, which is written specifically for the Mac OS X operating system).
For most of these, RATS is shipped as C and C++ language source code, which must be compiled on the target machine with an ANSI-standard C/C++ compiler. The Linux version is provided as a pre-compiled executable, with the source code available as an option.
The UNIX and Linux versions support essentially all of the features offered in the Windows and Macintosh versions, including the complete interactive mode "RATS Editor" interface. In order to use the interactive interface, your system must support X Windows, and the Motif libraries must be available. If these are not available, the program can only be run in batch mode.
We offer single-user licenses for stand-alone workstations, and multi-user licenses for network servers. Please use the links below to view pricing: