
This page provides platform-specific information on the releases of RATS for the Macintosh. For general information on RATS, please see General Information and Features.

What's Included

  • The RATS software
  • RATSData (a stand-alone menu-driven data management utility program)
  • A huge collection of RATS procedures and example programs, including worked examples from many popular econometrics textbooks
  • Extensive built-in Help system
  • Over 1,200 pages of documentation, including an Introduction, the RATS User's Guide and the RATS Reference Manual. PDF's of all documentation are always included; you can choose to get printed manuals for an added cost plus any added shipping.

The Professional version adds the Census Bureau's X12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment procedure and enhanced database access features, including ODBC/SQL data access and support for reading the St. Louis Fed's on-line FRED database. MacRATS is a universal executable, and MacRATS Pro includes a 64-bit executable for use on more recent Mac's with 64-bit processors.

System Requirements

MacRATS is a "Universal" OS X application, which means that it runs natively on both Intel-based Macs and on older PowerPC-based Macs. Note that it requires version 10.5 or later of OS X.

  • Any Macintosh capable for running OS X 10.5 or later.
  • Both PowerPC and Intel CPU's are supported natively.
  • OS X 10.5 or later
  • Memory requirements will depend largely on the size of the data sets you need to work with. You will need approximately 1 Megabyte of RAM for every 128,000 data points. The RATS program itself is fairly compact, and only requires about 1 Megabyte of RAM to load.
  • a hard disk drive with at least 175Mb of free disk space (for a full installation, including all examples, procedures, and documentation)


For single-user licenses, see RATS Prices for pricing on new licenses, and Update Prices for pricing on updates to existing license.

We also offer multi-user/network licenses, with pricing based on the number of concurrent users. Please contact us at sales@estima.com or 800-822-8038 for more information.