This page lists most of the changes made to RATS from Version 4.0 through 5.11.
See RATS: Latest Release for details on the current release, RATS Updates for information about updating your RATS software or RATS Information and Features for general information on RATS.
Improvements made in 5.11 included:
See the October, 2003 RATSletter for additional information.
Version 5.10 was a major upgrade, offering significant advances both in technical capabilities and in user-friendliness. For full details, please see the July, 2003 RATSletter.
Here are the highlights of 5.10:
Version 5.04 added a "Function Wizard", accessed via a toolbar icon, that simplifies the process of identifying and using the more than 200 functions included in RATS. It also allows you to define a "Procedure Library" that is loaded automatically at startup or when you clear the memory. The GRTEXT instruction has been significantly updated to support including line breaks in text, automatically positioning text in any corner of the graph, and more. The GRAPH instruction also gained a new KEY option, and several new functions were added.
Finally, RATS now displays an error "trace back" indicating the line number of any error that occurs in a compiled section—this is particularly helpful for users doing extensive programming with procedures or loops.
See the April, 2003 RATSLetter for further details.
Version 5.03 was a fairly significant update, providing a number of improvements and new features. Full details are provided in the November, 2002 RATSLetter. We've summarized the changes below:
The most significant changes in 5.03 were some major improvements to the non-linear estimation algorithms. The program is now better able to deal with especially "difficult" situations, reports more information when you use the TRACE option or when it fails to reach convergence, and also does a better job of determining convergence or non-convergence in challenging cases.
Version 5.03 also added several improvements to the interactive mode interface, including new toolbar buttons for setting the "Input" and "Output" window flats, and for clearing the memory. The status bar at the bottom of the screen now displays the current line number and column number of the cursor position, and other information.
The RATS language also gained several useful new options: A new option for computing optimal GMM weights when doing instrumental variables with LINREG and NLLS; an option for saving the derivatives computed by MAXIMIZE; an option on CVMODEL for determining the precise form of the maximand; and an option on all instructions supporting BFGS estimation that allows the user to input an initial estimate for the inverse of the Hessian matrix.
Finally, the second printing of the RATS 5 User's Guide and Reference Manuals appeared with the debut of RATS 5.03, and included details on the new features added in 5.02 and 5.03. The PDF versions of the manuals were similarly updated.
This was a minor update, available on all platforms. It included several bug fixes, as well as several useful new features, including an option for adding additional (non-ARIMA) regressors to a BOXJENK estimation, an option on DLM allowing for exogenous shifts in the state equation, and several new functions. See the July, 2002 RATSLetter for details.
For the Windows and DOS platforms, Version 5.01 was a bug-fix update to 5.0, with no new functionality. See the list of Known Bugs for more information. For Macintosh and UNIX platforms, Version 5.01 was the first release of Version 5.0 available for those platforms (the Mac and UNIX versions of 5.01 included all the bug fixes introduced in the PC 5.01 versions).
The release of Version 5 in 2000 marked the most significant upgrade to the program in eight years. Since that time, we have released several incremental upgrades offering a variety of improvements and new features. For more details on RATS 5.0, please see the September 2000 edition of the RATSletter.
RATS Version 5 offers five new instructions:
We've added more than fifty new functions, including new probability and distribution functions, matrix concatenation/extraction functions, tools for creating series on the fly, and more.
Improvements include:
In addition to the new CVMODEL and ECT instructions, several "convenience" features have been added. For example, it is now much easier to save VAR residuals, forecasts, and impulses responses, using the new "RESULTS" option. Also, the SYSTEM instruction now includes a MODEL option that allows you to define a VAR as a model, which makes setting up instructions like IMPULSE and FORECAST much easier.
New functions have been added for computing probability distributions and their inverses, as well as factorials and binomial coefficients. Additional documentation covers techniques like Gibbs sampling and approximate randomization in detail.
The RATS documentation has been reformatted into two standard 7"x9" books, and will be included in electronic form (Adobe PDF files) with each copy of RATS. The manual features more examples, more technical details, and offers expanded/new coverage of many topics, including Structural (identified, Bernanke-Sims) VAR?s, Blanchard-Quah decomposition, ARCH and GARCH models, hazard models, state-space models, simulations and bootstrapping, and non-linear estimation.
See RATS 5 Instruction Details for a detailed instruction-by-instruction listing of new options, features, and other improvements included in Version 5.
Version 4.35 is a Macintosh-only release, which introduced a native PowerMac version of RATS, and incorporated all of the changes and new features introduced with versions 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 on other platforms, as described below.
Version 4.3 added the following new features:
Version 4.2 was a major update that included the introduction of the first versions of RATS written for the Windows operating system. WinRATS is available in both a 16-bit version and a faster 32-bit (Win32s) version. Other improvements in RATS 4.2 included:
Improvements in Version 4.10 included:
RATS Version 4.0 represented the most comprehensive update in the history of RATS. The program was entirely rewritten in the C programming language, many improvements were made, new features were added, and the RATS User's Manual benefited from extensive revisions. The following is a partial list of the changes in Version 4.0: