This is a list of the changes made to existing instruction in Version 5 of RATS (released in 2000). See RATS: Latest Release for details on the current release, RATS Updates for information about updating your RATS software or RATS Information and Features for general information on RATS.

ALLOCATEThe little-used parameters equations and maxvar have been replaced with options of the same names.
AR1Hildreth-Lu (HILU) is now the default method, changed from Cochrane-Orcutt (CORC). In addition, you now have the option of inputting a value for rho, rather than having it estimated.
BOOTAdded [REPLACE]/NOREPLACE option to allow drawing without replacement.
CALENDARThe new RECALL option and the %CALENDAR() function allow you to temporarily change and then restore your CALENDAR settings. There are new date and time functions as well.
COPYNew formats: HTML, CDF (comma-delimited format), plus the new PICTURE option for controlling format of output. We now use the COLUMNS/ROWS terminology for the ORG option, although the older ORG=VAR/OBS terminology is still supported.
CORRELATE New METHOD option selects between the new Burg algorithm (the default) or the Yule-Walker algorithm used in earlier versions.
DATAExcel format has been updated to allow reading files created by more recent versions. CDF (comma-delimited) is now accepted. ORG=COLUMNS/ROWS has superseded ORG=VAR/OBS, though the latter are still supported.
DISPLAYMany new capabilities for formatting output, including new picture and position code options, and the ability to display entire arrays (previously you had to use WRITE for displaying entire arrays). The new %BESTREP and %MINIMALREP functions are also useful with DISPLAY.
ENVIRONMENTThe new GSAVE and GFORMAT parameters allow you to automate the process of saving a series of graphs into separate files in any of the file formats supported by RATS.
EQUATIONNew COEFFS option allows you to assign coefficients for identities as you define the equation (rather than using ASSOCIATE later). The ARlags and MAlags parameters now accept lists of lags.
ESTIMATENew options COEFFS and RESIDUALS provide an easier way to save estimated coefficients and residuals. COHISTORY option allows you to save the coefficient history when doing Kalman filtering. VAR coefficient sums are now stored in the array %VARLAGSUMS and %SIGMA is defined as the covariance matrix of residuals.
EWISEThe new %DO function is sometimes a better alternative to EWISE-see example under EWISE.
FIND Now offers GENETIC and BFGS optimization methods in addition to SIMPLEX. New ROOT setting for finding a root, plus new options for controlling output (TRACE, NOPRINT, etc.). Slight syntax change, with the use of END FIND to end the controlled instructions. FIND can now control other non-linear estimation instructions.
FORECASTNew RESULTS option simplifies saving forecasts for multi-equation systems. Models can now contain EQUATIONS as well as FRMLs, including combinations of both in a single MODEL. WINDOW option allows you to direct output to a spreadsheet-style window.
FRMLNew PARMSET option for creating or modifying a parameter set when using the EQUATION or LASTREG options to construct the FRML. The VECTOR option allows parameters pulled from the model to form a vector. You can now declare FRMLs of types other than REAL: a FRML of VECTORS for example.
HISTORYNew RESULTS options simplifies saving results into series. New LABELS option allows user-defined labels for the decomposition results. Now supports MODEL option (can only be used with MODEL's of equations--FRMLs not allowed).
IMPULSENew RESULTS and LABELS options (see HISTORY above).
INQUIRENew functions augment/supersede some capabilities of INQUIRE (see description of INQUIRE for a list).
KALMANNow includes RESIDUALS, COEFFS, and COHISTORY options to make it easier to save residuals and coefficients from multiple equation models, and the "history" of coefficients over time for single-equation models. Note: The RESIDS option used previously to select the method of computing residuals has been renamed as RTYPE.
MAXIMIZENew GENETIC method supported, and the new PARMSET operation allows use of parameter sets.
NLLSNew PARMSET and STARTUP options for selecting parameter sets and providing a separate formula to be evaluated for the first entry in the estimation range. SIMPLEX and GENETIC algorithms now offered in addition to the default Gauss-Newton method.
NLPARNew EXACTLINESEARCH option, plus options for controlling the new genetic algorithm.
NNLEARNNew ITERATIONS option provides additional control over the model fitting process.
NNTESTNew VALIDATE option for computing a mean squared error from comparison with target output set.
NONLINNow allows arrays as well as scalar reals as parameters and allows for "substitution" constraints and equality and inequality constraints for doing constrained optimization. Also, now supports multiple parameter sets via the PARMSET option.
OPENNew WINDOW option.
ORDERNew %SORT and %RANK functions provide alternatives to ORDER.
OVERLAYNew matrix extraction functions %XSUBMAT and %XSUBVEC (plus %XDIAG, %XROW, %XCOL that were added with 4.2) provide a useful alternative to OVERLAY in certain circumstances.
PANELENTRY, INDIV, and TIME settings are now handled as options rather than parameters (although the parameter method is still supported). The new PREGRESS instruction provides an alternative method of doing panel data regressions.
PRINTNew PICTURE and WIDTH options for controlling output formatting, and a WINDOW option for directing output to a spreadsheet window.
PRTDATANew formats, including HTML and CDF are now available.
PSTATSCan now handle unbalanced panel data sets.
SCATTERFeatures many new options, including the ability to do overlay (two-scale) graphs, log-scale graphs, shading, and more.
SIMULATENew RESULTS option for conveniently saving simulation results, and a new DECOMP option for supplying your own decompositions.
STATISTICSThe MOMENTS option now computes the Jarque-Bera normality test.
STEPSSame changes as FORECAST (see above).
SYSTEMThe new MODEL option allows you to define the system as a MODEL, rather than a list of equations, which simplifies the use of instructions like FORECAST, IMPULSE, HISTORY.
TABLENew WINDOW option directs output to a spreadsheet-style window.
WRITEThe DISPLAY instruction has been upgraded to handle most tasks which used to required WRITE.