Recent editions of our RATSLetter newsletter, which is mailed to all registered users, are available for
downloading in Adobe PDF format:
- October 2013, RATSletter
Version 8.3 of RATS, materials for the ARCH/GARCH e-course, computing diagnostic residuals for
Markov-switching models.
- September 2012, RATSletter
Version 8.2 of RATS, news on our upcoming web course on ARCH and GARCH models, descriptions of new
procedures and example programs, links to RATS programs on RePEc and more.
- September 2011, RATSletter
Version 8.1 of RATS, news on our upcoming web course on Panel Data, descriptions of dozens of new
procedures and example programs, and more.
- December 2010, RATSletter
Details on the new Version 8.0 of RATS. This is a major upgrade, with completely revised manuals,
many new interface features, improved data management and report-generation capabilities, and much
more. The newsletter also includes details on four Course Materials packages available for purchase. These are derived from our web courses on Bayesian Econometrics, State Space/DSGE Models, Vector Autoregression Models, and Structural Break/Switching Models. You'll also find information on more than two dozen new example programs and procedures.
- January 2010, RATSletter
RATS Version 7.3 Announced. Plus: a story on using DSGE Models at the Bank of Canada; details on many new examples and procedures; information on our free Handbook and example code for Juselius' The Cointegrated VAR Model; information on purchasing the course materials from the three web-courses we ran in 2009 (on Bayesian Econometrics, State Space/DSGE, and VAR models); and more. (This issue carries over some information from the web-only September 2009 edition).
- September 2009, RATSletter
News on the forthcoming RATS Version 7.3; a story on DSGE Models at the Bank of Canada; details on new examples and procedures; information on our forthcoming free CATS Handbook and example code for Juselius' The Cointegrated VAR Model; descriptions of our new web courses; and more.
- March 2009, RATSletter
Contents: (web-only edition, not mailed out) Details on Version 7.2 of RATS, including more speed and 64-bits for Windows users; X=12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment features and FRED database access for Pro users; and new Wizards and functions for everyone. Also, an article on Sign Restrictions for Impulse Responses, information on our "Bayesian Economics" web course, and a look at new procedures and textbooks.
- July 2008, RATSletter
Contents: Details on Version 7.1 of RATS; new "DISAGGREGATE" procedure for converting data to a higher frequency; many other new procedures and paper-replication examples.
- October, 2007 RATSletter
Contents: It's all about RATS 7.0! An overview of the new features, a closer look at the graphics improvements, the new DSGE instruction, and more.
- April, 2007 RATSletter
Contents: RATS 6.35; Training in Montreal this June; Vista Compatibility; new textbooks; new procedures and examples; and more.
- October, 2006 RATSletter
Contents: RATS 6.3: MacRATS for OS X, new interface for UNIX and Linux; Portfolio Optimization example using LQPROG; Fan Chart Example; New RATS Software Web Forum; and more.
- March, 2006 RATSletter
Contents: CATS 2.0; Version 6.2 of RATS; New Network/Multi-User Licensing options; Singular Value Decomposition functions; New Procedures, and more.
- July, 2005 RATSletter
Contents: Version 6.1 of RATS; an article on Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models; Details on many new procedures, examples (including worked textbook examples; and more.
- February, 2005 RATSletter
Contents: Version 6.02 of RATS; New Address for Estima; New Procedures and Examples; Solving DGSE models; New Textbooks Available; and more.
- August, 2004 RATSletter
Contents: Version 6.01 for Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X includes bug fixes and new features; maintenance contract options; Classroom RATS; new procedures and Textbook examples on the website; complete details on RATS Version 6, plus information on an upcoming RATS conference in Ireland and more.
- March, 2004 RATSletter
Contents: Complete details on RATS Version 6, plus information on an upcoming RATS conference in Ireland and more.
- October, 2003 RATSletter
Contents: RATS Training Sessions, news on RATS 5.11 and a new "Pro" version of RATS for Windows that will include X11 seasonal adjustment and a FAME interface, a look ahead to RATS Version 6, some new procedures, and more.
- July, 2003 RATSletter
Contents: Details on RATS Version 5.10, including callable functions, the new report generator, new menu-driven Wizards, improved Monte Carlo and Bootstrapping support, and more.
- April, 2003 RATSLetter
Contents: Includes details on the soon-to-be-released Version 5.04 of RATS, a new book by Walter Enders on Advanced RATS Programming (to be distributed free of charge via our website), and a host of new and updated RATS procedures. Plus: details on our classroom/educational offerings, tips on using GRTEXT, an updated multivariate-GARCH example program, and more.
- November, 2002 RATSLetter
Contents: Monte Carlo Integration revisited, RATS 5.03, lots of new procedures, Importance Sampling, Arellano-Bond and other Panel Data estimations, Economic Databases, Wooldridge examples, and more.
- July, 2002 RATSLetter
Contents: Version 5.02 update now available; Panel Data Estimation; Benchmarking using DLM; New Procedures; New Textbooks; Generalized Impulse Responses; and more.
- August, 2001 RATSLetter
Contents: Version 5 released for Mac and UNIX platforms; Estima now reselling US Economic Databases from Haver Analytics; More econometrics texts available from Estima; Manual Errata for Version 5; New procedures; and more.
- September, 2000 RATSLetter
Contents: Details on Version 5, including revised documentation, improvements to non-linear estimation, dozens of new functions, improved panel data handling, tools for probability and random number generation, simplified handling of error correction models, and new state-space modeling capabilities.
- August, 1999 RATSLetter
Contents: News on DRI and OECD databases, examples of "series splicing" and a GMM instrument selection procedure, RATS for educational uses, a lookup table procedure, a listing of recent procedure postings on the website, and more.
- December, 1998 RATSLetter
Contents: RATS 4.3 for the Macintosh, examples of Markov switching models, Gibbs sampling and other Bayesian techniques, random draw toolkit, Y2K update, and more.