This page provides platform-specific information on the Windows releases of RATS. For general information on
RATS, please see General Information and Features.
What's Included
- The RATS software
- RATSData (a stand-alone menu-driven data management utility program)
- A huge collection of RATS procedures and example programs, including worked examples from many popular
econometrics textbooks
- Extensive built-in Help system
- Over 1,200 pages of documentation, including an Introduction, the RATS User's Guide and
the RATS Reference Manual. PDF's of all documentation are always included; you can choose to get printed manuals for
an added cost plus any added shipping.
The Professional version adds the Census Bureau's X12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment
procedure and enhanced database access features, including ODBC/SQL data access, support for reading the St. Louis
Fed's on-line FRED database, support for reading and writing FAME format database files, and the ability to read CRSP data.
System Requirements
WinRATS runs on all recent versions of Windows, including Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP, in either 32-bit or 64-bit.
Here are the minimum system requirements:
- A PC with a Pentium or later processor
- Memory requirements will depend largely on the size of the data sets you need to work with. You will need approximately
1 Megabyte of RAM for every 128,000 data points. The RATS program itself is fairly compact, and only requires about 1
Megabyte of RAM to load.
- A hard disk drive with at least 175Mb of free disk space (for a full installation, including all examples, procedures,
and documentation)
- Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP
For single-user licenses, see RATS Prices for pricing on new licenses, and
Update Prices for pricing on updates to existing license.
We also offer multi-user/network licenses, with pricing based on the number of
concurrent users. Please contact us at or
800-822-8038 or contact your