If you want to pay by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express), you can order RATS and other Estima products quickly and easily using our on-line ordering system.
This uses a standard "shopping cart" model. You add products to it and when you're done, you can "check out" using the View Cart/Check Out. The "View Cart/Check Out" link which will be on every page with products. You can also use the "View Cart/Check Out" to remove products.
To begin shopping, click on one of the categories in the menu on the left side of the screen, and add the desired product(s) to your shopping cart. You can order products from multiple categories.
You can also use this to send us a request for a pro forma invoice, in case you need to arrange for some other form of payment than a credit card—this will be one of the options available for the form of payment at the end of the "check out" procedure.
Even after you start shopping, you can browse all parts of the web site, in case you want to read up on the details of any of the products.
Note that there are some products (principally multiple user licenses) that can't be purchased using our on-line site because they aren't as standardized. You will have to contact either us (sales@estima.com) or your local reseller.