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Patch Update: Version 5.11

This page provides links to free, downloadable patch utilities you can use to update from Version 5.10 of WinRATS-32 to Version 5.11.

If you are interested in upgrading to the current version of RATS, please see RATS Updates for prices and other information.

Downloading the Appropriate Patch File

To update your software, you first need to download the patch file appropriate for your version of RATS. We recommend that you download the file into a temporary directory, such as C:\TEMP. If you aren't sure which version you are currently running, start your copy of RATS, and use the About RATS operation on the Help menu to check the version number.

Applying the Update Patch

Once you have downloaded the patch file, do the following to apply the update:

  1. Run the Patch program by double-clicking on the executable file with Windows Explorer, or by using the "Run" operation on the "Start" menu.

  2. This loads a Windows-based installer program. You simply need to tell it where your current version of WinRATS is located, and then it will automatically update the files as needed. By default, RATS is installed in "C:\Program Files\Estima\WinRATS 5.10\", but you may have chosen to install it in a different directory.

If you have any problems or questions, you can contact technical support at or 847-864-1910.

The available patch files are listed below.

If You Have WinRATS-32:

To update from WinRATS-32 5.10 to WinRATS-32 5.11, download the patch file WinRATS32_510_511.exe

If You Have WinRATS-32 plus X11:

If you have a version of WinRATS-32 that includes the X11 seasonal adjustment module, you can now upgrade to the new "Professional" version of WinRATS. In addition to the X11 module, the Professional version adds support for reading/writing FAME format databases (you must have the FAME software installed on the same machine—see for details on the FAME software). Please contact us if you need information on using WinRATS with FAME databases.

To upgrade from WinRATS-32+X11 5.10 to WinRATS Pro 5.11, download the patch file WinRATS32Pro_510_511.exe Estima Standard Footer

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