
Qualified students can purchase any version of RATS or CATS at a substantial discount off the list price. These are exactly the same as the full-priced software, with the same features and same availability for support. They are covered by a "perpetual license" so you can take the software with you when you are finished with school.

To qualify for the discounted pricing, you must:

  1. Be currently enrolled as a full time student, and
  2. Be purchasing the software for your own personal use.

Students will need to supply verification of student status. Acceptable forms of verification include any one of the following:

  • a letter from a professor, department, or university
  • a link to your department web site showing you as a student
  • a copy of a current registration receipt
  • a copy of a current tuition receipt

Photocopies of student ID cards are generally not acceptable.


With the discount, prices for RATS and CATS are in the table below. See Academic Pricing Zones to see which applies to you.

ProductZone AZone B
WinRATS $300$175
WinRATS Professional $450$275
MacRATS $300$175
MacRATS Professional$450$275

Illinois residents must add 9.00% sales tax. We do not collect sales tax or VAT on any other orders shipped outside of Illinois, however, you may owe an import tax or VAT that will be collected by your customs authorities. Students outside the continental U.S. must pay the regular shipping costs if you want the "boxed product" with printed manuals. Note that the "Zone B" can't be used to buy the boxed product—it has to be electronic delivery.

Placing an Order

You can place your order online using our Online Order Page. Use the drop down boxes to choose the price that applies to you. Note that your order will not ship until you provide verification of your student status, as described above. You can also order RATS and CATS at student prices through your local reseller.

Discounts are currently not available on UNIX versions of RATS, or on our database products.

Other Educational Licensing Options

If you are an instructor interested in using RATS in your classes, please see Educational Licenses for an overview of ways to make RATS available to students and faculty at your school.