If you're a full-time student, or have finished your degree within the last six months, you can purchase our RATS and CATS software at a significant discount off our regular prices. If you're not sure if you are eligible for this special pricing, please contact sales@estima.com.

Note: This is a permanent license which you can take with you when you leave school.

We offer a larger discount for students from what we call "Zone B" countries. You can check the link to see whether you are eligible for the Zone B student pricing. Again, check with us if you're not sure.

Professional and Standard Levels

The Professional level of RATS adds a number of features that aren't included in the Standard level. The most important are the addition of a 64-bit executable which can address more than 2Gb of memory, and the ability to read data from the Federal Reserve-St. Louis's FRED database.

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