

Haver Analytics specializes in database and software products for economic analysis and business decision-making. Haver Analytics maintains more than 150 economic and financial databases from over 550 government and private sources. Databases cover the U.S., states, metro areas and counties, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, China and other emerging markets. Haver Analytics is the sole provider of the Oil & Gas Journal Energy Database and also maintains key third party data, including forecast databases covering the world economies.

Estima currently offers subscriptions to three Haver Analytics database packages (USECON, USECON plus NA, and US1), which are described below. The data are supplied on CD ROM, in both RATS format and Haver's DLX (Data Link Express) format. RATS users can access the RATS files directly using RATS or the menu-driven RATSDATA utility program. The DLX format can be used directly in WinRATS Pro. The CD also includes a copy of the menu-driven RATSDATA data-management software for customers who do not have RATS or Haver's DLX software.

The databases are offered as a one-year subscription. Commercial institutions will receive updates every month. Academic institutions have the option of getting monthly updates, quarterly updates, or of purchasing just a single copy of the database (the "Annual" subscription). See price list for pricing. If you need more information, contact our sales department.

If you need data on a more timely basis, or need data not included in the packages described below, please note that up to the minute data for all 150+ Haver databases can be used directly in RATS with delivery from Haver via the DLX software. Contact Haver Analytics for details.

USECON Database

USECON (U.S Economic Statistics) is Haver's primary database of U.S. economic and financial data. It includes approximately 12,000 data series, including national accounts, prices, housing, construction, industrial production, interest rates, money supply, public finance, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturers' shipments, inventories and orders, employment, productivity, population, international trade and business cycle indicators.

USECON Plus USNA Databases

Purchasers of the USECON database have the option of also subscribing to the USNA (U.S National Accounts) database, which offers an additional 20,000 series with complete national income and product accounts data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. These series provide detailed information such as monthly personal consumption expenditures and personal income.

US1 Database

The US1 database is a subset of the USECON database, containing approximately 750 of the most commonly-used data series.