
Prices for the various database products are shown below. A "One-Off" subscription is for a single copy of the database, while "Quarterly Updates" and "Monthly Updates" are for one-year subscriptions with updates sent quarterly or monthly, respectively. Students, faculty and educational institutions qualify for academic pricing. All prices are in US dollars. Illinois residents add 9.00% sales tax. There are no shipping charges.

OECD Main Economic Indicators

Full, Monthly Updates$1040
Full, Quarterly Updates$800
Full, One-Off$600
Seven Country, Monthly Updates$800
Seven Country, Quarterly Updates$500
Seven Country, One-Off$360
Full, Monthly$1300
Full, Quarterly$1000
Full, Annual$750
Seven Country, Monthly$1000
Seven Country, Quarterly$600
Seven Country, Annual$450

Haver Analytics Data

Commercial Price
USECON, Monthly Updates$4000
USECON plus NA, Monthly Updates$5000
US1, Monthly Updates$1200
USECON, Monthly Updates$3000
USECON, Quarterly Updates$1500
USECON, One-Off$1000
USECON + NA, Monthly Updates$3750
USECON + NA, Quarterly Updates$2000
USECON + NA, One-Off$1500
US1, Monthly Updates$900
US1, Quarterly Updates$750
US1, One-Off$500