About WinTD

WinTD is designed to make running a chess tournament as painless as possible. Thanks to its intuitive graphical interface, all of the information you need to run a tournament is presented in a convenient, easily accessible fashion. Operations such as pairing rounds, entering game results, and printing charts require just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes.

The program is also very flexible, giving you a great deal of control over all aspects of the pairing process, including drop/raise decisions, interchanges of players to improve color assignments, and more. You can also customize the displays and printed output to suit your preferences or the particular task at hand, such as displaying a list of all the players in the tournament who haven't paid the entry fee, or who haven't checked in to the tournament.

WinTD is well-suited to any type of tournament, from small scholastic and club events to the largest cash prize tournaments. Support for scholastic tournaments includes the ability to group players by class/grade, and support for team competition.

For More Information

For details on WinTD, please see the List of Features page. If you are familiar with older versions of WinTD, see the Version 4.2 page for details on the latest improvements. See the Screen Shots page to see what WinTD looks like. Or, download the free demo version and try it out for yourself!

Compatibility Requirements

Versions 4.20 will run properly under any recent version of Windows, from XP through 8. If you are using an older release, see Windows compatibility for information on compatibility issues with newer versions of Windows.

The Macintosh version requires OS X 10.5 or later.


The price for one copy of WinTD is $90.00 (US). Updates from earlier versions are also available.

These prices includes shipping by mail to anywhere in the US. For orders outside the US, shipping is an additional $22. Illinois residents must add 9% sales tax.

See Prices and Ordering for complete pricing details and information on how to order your copy of WinTD.