WinTD Screen Shots

Below are some screen shots taken from WinTD 4.2 running on a laptop running Windows 7. Just click on any of the small images to see a full-size picture.

Section and Player Windows

WinTD Screen Shot

In this shot, the background window is a "Section" window, listing all of the sections in this tournament. The foreground window is a "Players" window, showing a list of all the players in the K12 section. WinTD allows you to control which fields of information are displayed in windows like this. From a Players Window, you can check players into or out of a tournament, view all the games for the selected players, update player ratings from the USCF ratings supplement, and more.

WinTD Screen Shot

The Games Window

This image shows the Games Window, used to enter scores for games. You can correct colors or players by dragging and dropping players from one position to another.

WinTD Screen Shot

Player Dialog Box

This is the main dialog box for entering or editing player information. If you have the USCF rating supplement database installed on your system, you can use the "From USCF" button to search the USCF database and add players directly from the database to your Tournament or Master Player List files.

WinTD Screen Shot

The Add/Edit a Section Dialog Box

This dialog box shows the many settings you can control for each section in a tournament. You can select various kinds of individual or team sections, choose the pairing method used, choose which rating type is used to assign pairing numbers, and more.