John Hansen - Natural Body Building, personal training
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by Alex Geborkoff Date Added: Tuesday 22 May, 2007
Thanks for the inspiration. I was at this seminar at MTU. THanks for answering my questions during the seminar, and for taking the time to talk to me afterwards about how I was spending an entire hour just on biceps. I have since adjusted my entire workout scheme to go short and hard, and have made noticable gains. I love your book "Natural Bodybuilding", and your dvd "Real Muscle." I watch that before almost every workout to get inspired. I love the idea to do seated barbell shoulder shrugs....those feel awesome! I'm a married father of two and a high school teacher, and so I have a nice home gym in my basement (tons of free weights, of course!) where I do all of my lifting....and I remain very dedicated, with much thanks to you. I had been lifting seriously for about 6 years before attending your seminar, and I learned so much from you, I can never thank you enough! Take care , and thanks,

Alex Geborkoff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]

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