by James D. Hamilton
Princeton University Press, 1994
List Price $105.00, Estima's Price $80.00
It's not an accident that Hamilton's book is referenced extensively in the RATS manual, and in many journal articles
published since its release in 1994. This is a detailed, in-depth treatment of modern time series analysis and econometrics
that can serve both as a textbook for the student and an advanced reference for practicing researchers.
Just under 800 pages, hardbound.
RATS examples from Time Series Analysis
- Difference Equations
- Lag Operators
- Stationary ARMA Processes
- Forecasting
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Spectral Analysis
- Asymptotic Distribution Theory
- Linear Regression Models
- Linear Systems of Simultaneous Equations
- Covariance-Stationary Vector Processes
- Vector Autoregressions
- Bayesian Analysis
- The Kalman Filter
- Generalized Method of Moments
- Models of Nonstationary Time Series
- Processes with Deterministic Time Trends
- Univariate Processes with Unit Roots
- Unit Roots in Multivariate Time Series
- Cointegration
- Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Cointegrated Systems
- Time Series Models of Heteroskedasticity
- Modeling Time Series with Changes in Regime