List Price $110.00, Estima's Price $90.00
This is an excellent choice for RATS users interested in pursuing state space modelling techniques. Many of the enhancements to the DLM instruction that were introduced in Version 7 of RATS were developed in the process of writing RATS code for the worked examples from this book.
From the publisher's description:
Providing analyses from both classical and Bayesian perspectives, this book presents a comprehensive treatment of the state
space approach to time series analysis. The distinguishing feature of state space time models is that observations are
regarded as made up of distinct components such as trend, seasonal, regression elements and disturbance terms, each of which
is modelled separately. The techniques that emerge from this approach are very flexible and are capable of handling a much
wider range of problems than the main analytical system currently in use for time series analysis, the Box-Jenkins ARIMA
RATS examples from Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods
Plus References; Author Index; Subject Index
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