Below is a listing of errors found in the RATS Version 7 documentation. Most of these were fixed as found in the PDF files
that were shipped with later 7.x releases, but would still be present in the hard-copy manuals.
RATS 7.2 Supplement PDF
- STWISE Instruction:
Lists the "general to specific" option as being a switch option:
This is incorrect--GTOS is actually a choice on the METHOD option.
Reference Manual
- CMoment, pages 44 and 46:
References to ZMATRIX should read ZXMATRIX (which is the correct option name) instead.
- CVModel, page 78:
Typo in the CVMODEL instruction shown on that page. The V option should read V=VF, as shown below, rather than V=V.
cvmodel(method=bfgs,v=vf,obs=tdim) rr
- DDV, page 96:
Typo in formula for Pseudo-R2. Should be (Log L/Log Lc) rather than (Log Lc/Log L).
- DLM, page 120:
Description of VHAT and SVHAT options should have included the word "errors" at the end of the argument descriptions.
Page 123:
Reference to deprecated "SCALE" option in description of the reserved variable %VARIANCE. This should refer to the newer VARIANCE=CONCENTRATED option instead.
- EQUATION, page 143:
The description of the REGRESSORS option references the MORE option, which was the old name for the option. The text should
just refer to "this option", meaning the REGRESSORS option.
- HISTORY, page 234:
Refers to the deprecated start parameter as the default value for the newstart parameter. Should instead
refer to the default value of the FROM option.
- LINREG, page 276:
LINREG no longer computes Q-statistics (to reduce computational overhead), so %QSIGNIF and %QSTAT should not be listed in the
Variables Defined section. Note: Use CORR(QSTATS) to compute Q stats.
- MAKE, page 288, 289:
On page 289, PANEL is a switch option, not a value option, so this should be shown as PANEL/[NOPANEL]. MAKE(PANEL) takes a panel-format series and produces a matrix as described. On page 288, MAKE does not define %NUMOBS. Beginning with Version 7.10, it does define %NOBS as the number of observations.
- MRESTRICT, page 308:
"Variables Defined" list should include: %CDSTAT (the computed test statistic) and %SIGNIF (the marginal significance level).
- PRJ, page 361:
The XVECTOR option description should refer to Xi, not Sigma.
- REPORT, page 382:
Typo on the ALLOCATE instruction. Should read "allocate 2000:4" not "allocate 200004"
- SPECIFY, page 430:
SPECIFY now has a NOPRINT option for suppressing output.
- STORE, page 447:
- "See Chapter 2 for more details." Correction: Should say "See Chapter 2 of the User?s Guide for more details."
- SKIP option documented incorrectly. It is actually a SKIPLINES option designed to skip header lines in a spreadsheet. See SKIPLINES description on DATA instruction for the correct description.
- THEIL, page 476:
"Two additional parameters used in older versions, steps and data end, have been replaced by options of the same name."
Correction: The new options are actually called STEPS and TO.
- Section 2, page 511:
First line refers to "built-in instructions". Should say "built-in functions".
- %SUM() Function, page 560:
Rather than being limited to the ALLOCATE range, %SUM() will use the full defined range of the series (which may be longer
than the ALLOCATE range), or the range set an SMPL instruction.
User's Guide