With most modern browsers, you can simply click on the link for the file you want to download. The browser will pop up a dialog box asking if you want to "Open", "Save", or "Cancel". Usually, you want to click on "Save" which will allow you to save the file to your hard drive. You can save the file in the same directory or folder in which RATS is installed, or in a different directory if you prefer (for example, you may have created your own directory to store all of your RATS programs and data files— you may want to save your procedure files in this same folder).
If clicking on the file causes the browser to try to open the file, you may want to right-click on the file name instead ("<Shift>+click" or "<Command>"+click for Macintosh. "<Shift>+click" also works on many PC browsers). This displays a pop-up menu. From the menu, choose the "save to disk" operation to download and save the file.
If none of these methods work, send e-mail to support@estima.com describing the nature of the problem.
Most of the available files are ordinary ASCII text files, but some are binary files. Files with .SRC, .RPF, or .PRG extensions are text format files. Files with .ZIP, .RAT, .EXE, or .HLP extensions are binary format files.