The OECD MEI database is available in "Full" and "Seven Country" versions. The Full version includes data on roughly 40 countries, including Western Europe, the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Japan, Korea, China, India, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Slovenia and South Africa. The seven country version includes only the "group of seven" countries: U.S., Canada, Japan, U.K., France, Germany, and Italy.
The data for most countries include GDP and its major components, producer and consumer price indexes, money stock and related measures, major interest rates, industrial production indexes, unemployment rates, exchange rate vs. the dollar, and the general stock market index. For larger countries, you will also find data on orders, shipments, and inventory stocks, plus greater disaggregation on the price and industrial production indexes. Many of the monthly series are available in both seasonally adjusted and unadjusted forms.
OECD Series List is a list of the series included in the database (as of May 2013) in PDF format. This shows, for each series, its database name, recording frequency (A=annual, M=monthly, Q=quarterly), start date and description. The data for a given month are produced around the 10th, generally far enough into the month that the monthly data (at least for the more important series for the larger countries) will be available through the prior month, for instance, the majority of monthly series on the May database will be up-to-date through April.
You can purchase a single copy of the OECD database, or you can purchase quarterly or monthly subscriptions. The subscriptions provide you with updated copies of a (complete) database on a monthly or quarterly basis for one year.
The OECD data are supplied on either on CD or by FTP download in our convenient RATS data file format, with one data file for each country. The "Full" version of the database also includes a large RATS file containing all the data, plus a file containing various aggregate measures.
You can use the data directly with our RATS software, or use the included RATSDATA utility program to view, print, or graph data, or export data into other formats, including text files or Excel spreadsheets.
The data are usable on any of our platforms: Windows, Macintosh or UNIX. The Full database requires about 100Mb of disk space (50 Mb for the "all countries" file and another 50Mb for the separate files), while the G7 version requires about 12Mb of space.
If you would like more information, contact our sales department.