Use the fields below to generate a list of procedures and example programs compatible with your version of RATS. You can use the drop-down lists to filter the list on change dates, general subject, and/or publication references (by author's name).

To see all the procedures available, just click "Reset List". To refine your search, use the drop-down lists to narrow your choices (see below for details).

For a complete list (including detailed descriptions) of all the procedures and example programs (not including the Textbook Examples), please see Detailed Procedures and Examples list.

Select Your RATS VersionChanges SinceSelect SubjectReference (author)
File Name Description

You can use the drop-down lists to filter the list on change dates, general subject, and/or publication references (by author's name). To see all the procedures available, just click "Reset List". To refine your search, use the drop-down lists to narrow your choices.

Select Your RATS Version

Enter your version of RATS here to see only procedures that will work with your version. For example, if you select 7.0, you won't see procedures that require 7.1 or later to use.

Changes Since

Use this field to show only procedures that have changed since a particular version of RATS was released.

Select Subject

Use this field to limit the procedures list to a particular subject.

Select Reference (author)

Use this field to limit the procedures list to a particular author.

To see a more detailed description of a procedure, hold the mouse over the "Description" for that procedure (this feature is not supported on some browsers).