
The standard price for a new single-user copy of CATS is $175. The academic "Zone B" and "Student" price is $125, and the "Zone B" student price is $100. The price for an update from CATS 1.0 is $100.

Network/muliple-user licenses are also available.

Shipping is free to anywhere in the US (usually by mail, but possibly by UPS ground), or anywhere in the world if you order with electronic delivery. If you want a printed copy of the manual, add $18.00 per copy for shipping to Canada or US possessions or $30.00 per copy for all other countries. If you are also ordering a copy of RATS or a RATS update and would like printed manuals of both products, there is just a slight upcharge for the additional shipping for CATS over the cost of shipping RATS.

Illinois residents add 9.00% sales tax.

Placing an Order

To order new licenses for CATS 2.0, or to update existing licenses from CATS 1.0 to CATS 2.0, you can use our On-Line Order Page, or see Ordering Information for other ways to place an order.