4.11 and fixed-board team event limits

For discussing on pairing players in WinTD

4.11 and fixed-board team event limits

Postby jwiewel » Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:29 pm

I tried putting this question into another forum, but Pairings is the only one I have access to.

I did a 24-team, 8-board event last Saturday. When putting in the advance entries I normally use a master player file (ICCA/IHSA) to drag&drop the players into a team, and then adjust the team on the tournament morning when the HS coaches come with their real line-up.
After putting in 21 teams on Wednesday, I went to add 2 teams on Friday. Trying to do the drag&drop causes a fatal error (with the send error message to Microsoft box popping up). I got the same error when trying to manually add players. When I deleted some of the excess players from the other 21 teams I was able to do both an add and a drag&drop.
On Saturday there were three more teams to add. No matter what I did, including removed all of the excess players from the other 21 teams (two teams dropped out and were removed from the tournament section), I couldn't add or drag&drop players into the three new teams without a program crash.
I worked around it by creating a new tournament (in retrospect a new section might have been enough), putting the three teams into that section, populating the teams with players, and then dragging the populated teams into the real section.

Is there some limitation on how many teams you can have when doing adds or drag&drops?
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Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:01 pm

Re: 4.11 and fixed-board team event limits

Postby moderator » Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:24 pm

Sorry about the forum permissions issue. I still need to test a couple of them, but that should be fixed now, so you should be able to post in any of the sections.

Regarding the problem with adding teams/players, it sounds like you may be running into the same issue that a couple of other users have experienced. We're testing a new build that seems to fix that. If you can send me an email at


with your name and WinTD serial number, I can get you a copy of the new build to try.

We'll be closed over the Thanksgiving holiday, so it would probably be Monday before I can get something to you.

Tom Maycock
Site Admin
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:00 pm

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